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Friday, July 29, 2011


So... I've started my own solo blog.  I really have no idea why, but I did.  It's called "A Place for Everything" and that's exactly what it is.  So far posts have been about home projects, recipes and ME!  The only person I've told about it is my mom (well and Aaron of course).  But now I'm telling you guys.  Eventually I'd like to get out into the blogging community more.  Basically I need something ongoing that is my own to distract me from my job.  I like it because it gives me a reason to start different projects around the house and keeps me on the ball.

So check it out when you get some time, and let me know what you think.  Feel free to leave comments.

A Place for Everything

Don't worry, I'll still post here for all the fun stuff :)

1 comment:

  1. oooh fun! I'll definitely check it out. I think it's really good for you and you have great tips to share. Maybe you can quit your job and become a professional blogger?! Do they pay people for that? Let's look into it.
