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Wednesday, February 23, 2011


So I thought it might be fun to do a little survey each week.  We can each answer the questions either in the comments section or a new post.

1. How is your week going so far?
2. What are you excited for in the next month?
3. What product do you have your eye on?
4. What's the best show you've watched in the last week?
5. What are your plans for the upcoming weekend?

There ya go!  Have fun :)


  1. 1. So far going good, can't complain.
    2. I'm excited to go to Florida and do our food tasting for the reception.
    3. I am Loving the Jessica Seinfeld Double Delicious Cookbook, I will be purchasing it soon.
    4. The Bachelor by far.
    5. Not sure yet, Im up for anything.

  2. 1. sucks! just want the weekend to be here.

    2. wearing green on st pattys day

    3. I want to smell the kardashians new perfume... then if I like it, I might buy it! I feel like I have worn the same scent forever and am looking for something new (other suggestions??).

    4.THE BACHELOR! obsessed. Prediction: Ashley goes home next.

    5. I'm going to dinner w/Mindy on Friday night... then Scott said that he wants to go out Saturday night for some drinks to celebrate him just finishing his marketing class for grad school... it has been sooo much work and his hardest class so far... which totally sucks cause I was really excited for him to take it since I love marketing so much! His prof sucks.

    Now Ali... your turn!

  3. Ok this is what I do during lunch time...blog!
    1. My week is awesome so far! President's day Monday and snow day Tuesday. WooHoo!

    2. Hmm...we don't have many plans for the next month. I am going to a chocolate spa at church on Saturday with Beth. That should be fun :)

    3. I have been thinking about buying an eye cream from Nina for quite a while. I think I'm starting to look oooollllddd!

    4. We caught up on the latest two episodes of Jersey Shore last night. So much drama and so many great one-liners!

    5. We are going to dinner at my dad's Friday night for my bday and to talk invitations. Saturday during the day is the chocolate spa...and that is all for me! I'm open to getting together Saturday night or Sunday too.

    Ally- if you get that cookbook you should do a review post on it. I saw it at Borders Monday and contemplated getting it.

    Annie- Which Kardashian's new perfume? The one Khloe and Lamar have or Kim's?

  4. I def will. I found a bunch of good recipes on her website http://www.doitdelicious.com/ which she also has videos showing you how to. Jerry is in a couple lol. But I saw her on Oprah first showing her recipes with her purees in them. This one is a little different. I tried her herb-ed chicken last night it was delish.

  5. The Kardashian perfume I'm thinking of is called Unbreakable... have you smelled it?

  6. No I don't think I've smelled Unbreakable. I'm looking for a new scent too so let me know what you think.
