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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bad Foods You Think Are Good

I read an article in Cosmo: 13 Healthy Foods That Can Make You Fat. It was interesting because I felt these were good food choices, but they really aren't... here are the most interesting ones:

Sushi Rolls: The veggies and seaweed wrap are low-cal, but the other ingredients aren't great and the seafood inside may be battered. These can be 500-600 calories per roll!

Dried Fruit (one of my favs): This has 5-8 times more calories than fresh fruit. Fresh grapes have 60 calories compared to raisons which have 460... Of course I knew that fresh is better, but I didn't realize that dried had that many more calories.

Wraps: No matter what you put in it, the average rap can be 1' across and pack up to 300 calories. The surface area is way bigger than two slices of bread, so more condiments are also used with these. Dang, I thought this was a good choice.

Rice Cakes: These are fat-free and low in calories, but they lack in fiber and protein so downing 2 or 3 won't do anything but add calories to your daily total and leave you wanting something with substance.

You can read the entire article with all 13 foods in Cosmo, but hopefully you found these interesting. =)


  1. very interesting! thanks for sharing Annie :)

    i love sushi rolls. they are so delicious! I guess I don't eat them all that often so I don't have to worry too much about them being bad for me.

    I just made your chocolate/peanut butter smoothie. I couldn't remember what you said so I used 1/3 cup vanilla yogurt, 1/3 cup chocolate almond milk, 1 Tbsp peanut butter and some ice cream.

    It was very good and only 3 points! I will make that more often. I might even freeze the yogurt in small portion sizes to make it a little thicker.

  2. Glad you tried the smoothie! I don't measure anything so it tastes a little different every time... sometimes more chocolatey, sometimes more peanut buttery... I don't add ice cream, but I bet that was good so I'll have to try it! I usually put 2 bananas in it, too. I usually make a big batch in a bowl then pour it into cups and put them in the freezer so I can just grab one each morning. =)
